Tuesday March 18, 2025
18 , Ramadan , 1446
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Mohammed Azhar Ali Khan
101 - 110 From 155 result
Canada's Islam-bashers get into a frenzy
Mohammed Azhar Ali Khan Canada's hostile reaction to the recent agreement with Iran on curbing the possible development of nuclear weapons has pitted it against its traditional allies and raised fears that it is turning from promoting peace to warmongering. Demonizing ...
Canada a proud friend of Mandela
Mohammed Azhar Ali Khan Imam Samy Metwally of the Ottawa Muslim Association prepares his khutbahs carefully, pulling out gems of advice from the Holy Qur’an and the life of the Prophet (peace be upon him) to guide his congregation. Last Friday ...
Canadians watching weird political circus
Mohammed Azhar Ali Khan Canadians normally go to the theater, cinema or arts center to watch a drama. These days they turn on the TV, read the papers, listen to the radio and, voilà, they end up watching a weird soap ...
Canadian justice crawling at snail’s pace
Mohammed Azhar Ali Khan I ran into Abdullah Almalki at the mosque but we only exchanged greetings. When I finally talked to him in detail, I was surprised that he is pleasant and was grateful to Canadians for supporting him during ...
Palestinian refugees: Truth emerging slowly
Mohammed Azhar Ali Khan On November 28-30 Israelis will glimpse a picture that has been distorted or withheld in the past. The Tel Aviv Cinematheque will stage the First International Nakba Film Festival with three days of documentary and fiction films ...
Muslims making Canada even better
Mohammed Azhar Ali Khan The last Eid Al-Adha was observed in Ottawa on two different days to Muslims’ dismay. It also brought them ridicule; some children took off from school one day and others the following day, suggesting that Muslims keep ...
Spying, double standards and brutality
Mohammed Azhar Ali Khan Some European allies are furious at the United States for spying on their leaders - the US monitored Chancellor Angela Merkel’s phone for a decade, the US tried to monitor 60 million Spanish telephones within one month ...
Bringing Canadian families closer
Mohammed Azhar Ali Khan He’s an engineer, she’s a medical doctor. But the husband and wife team of Dr. Mohamed Rida and Dr. Ekram Beshir, who are from Egypt and have been in Canada since the 1970s, joined hands to tackle ...
Canadian Muslims under a shadow
Mohammed Azhar Ali Khan Canadian Muslims would probably agree that Canada is one of the world’s best countries for its Muslims and other citizens. But Muslims have reason to be concerned – recent polls suggest that their fellow Canadians of other ...
A dark stain on Canada's conscience
Mohammed Azhar Ali Khan It is a heart-rending, ongoing tragedy. Aboriginal women have been disappearing mysteriously since the 1960s. The victims number 600 by one estimate. The Native Women's Association of Canada says there may be more but their cases were ...
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